Author Topic: KPM Music (Lossless)  (Read 134752 times)


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #330 on: April 03, 2024, 07:48:53 PM »
would anyone wanna pass around a 2tb ssd drive via mail? this archive needs to be in as many complete hands as possible! im happy to send someone a drive!


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #331 on: April 04, 2024, 12:11:26 AM »
would anyone wanna pass around a 2tb ssd drive via mail? this archive needs to be in as many complete hands as possible! im happy to send someone a drive!
Sounds like an interesting idea but I'm a little unclear on the detail. What exactly would be on the drive? Wouldn't there be territorial restrictions on the drive's circulation from one country/continent to another? Wouldn't it be easier to upload music to a server much as we are currently doing albeit rather sporadically?


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #332 on: April 05, 2024, 08:56:29 AM »
I don’t think this is a good idea for multiple reasons which I’m not going to go through.  However, if members want multiple albums then they either purchase online or via something like Soulseek. I don’t mind posting uploading the odd album here and there but gets tedious when some members request pretty much the whole catalogue.  So, for me I’ve tended to use SS for this purpose. I can audition the albums and tracks and if it’s something I genuinely don’t like or have interest for I’ll delete. I’ve only really been a ‘completist’ for library’s including KPM, Bruton, JW, Themes and most of B&H.

I don’t like the idea of sharing a USB stick of music and posting all over the world.  I’m out on that one. As for KPM, there is a link somewhere for all the green and brown sleeve releases.


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #333 on: April 05, 2024, 12:25:48 PM »
I pretty much agree with Tony here.
Although the intentions of jason are appreciable and worthy of a warm thank you, that would blow away the pleasure of hunting whether one is a completist or not.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2024, 12:29:29 PM by Greta »


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #334 on: April 13, 2024, 12:09:09 AM »
While maybe the medium isn't the best choice, xjason's idea is sound. We're trying to create a central place to have access to items that otherwise would not be available anywhere else.

Quote from: Greta
I pretty much agree with Tony here. Although the intentions of jason are appreciable and worthy of a warm thank you, that would blow away the pleasure of hunting whether one is a completist or not.
Disagree, I personally get no pleasure in hunting for things that for certain accounts, most likely don't exist anymore, and the frustration of not being able to find it.

Quote from: tonyc1971
However, if members want multiple albums then they either purchase online or via something like Soulseek. I don’t mind posting uploading the odd album here and there but gets tedious when some members request pretty much the whole catalogue.
And what happens when those albums have been discontinued and/or the library no longer exists, has no digital option, and is also not on Soulseek? All people can do looking for those then can rely on the kindness of strangers who do potentially having them to share the only option on obtaining those tracks.


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #335 on: April 13, 2024, 07:43:10 AM »
I imagine most things are available- certainly KPM and I have a full run of the vinyl.  I am always happy to upload things if, as Tony says it's not 10 + LPs.
I suspect for us who are older and especially if we collected in pre-internet days we have experience where we had to be patient and it took me decades to get all these.

It's making me reminisce....... (watery effect as I look up wistfully to the sky....)

I remember having to hunt records by word of mouth so my first haul of 800 records was someone in a record shop telling me 'my landlord has a stash of them in his office' and then me going back and nagging to get this guys number. 
Then it was mail order- I bought Drama Montage on Bruton for £40 (a fortune back in 1996) from Haggle Records.
Early internet days I was buying loads of records and recording onto mini-disc- the first digital recording I could do and sending Mini Discs all over the world and swapping with people in places like Australia.

So I guess for me I appreciate the hunt and didn't grow up being able to get anything fast- I remember paying £16 for a Funkadelic CD from America to get one track.  Can you imagine having to wait 3 weeks to hear something now?!

I set the forum up because of loving the music and although I think it's great as well it felt a bit sad when the megathreads started where you could get everything in one swoop.  It killed a lot of discussion on here because you didn't need to ask- it became a quick request for a re-upload, which in my opinion over the years have been increasing rude and abrupt.  I can understand though that if you have always lived in a world where music is just there and easy to get you don't have an appreciation of the effort it took (me, anyway) to get it and I don't cough up to people who ask 'Anyone got this?'.  I just think, 'Yes thanks' and click on.  There's a definite lack of manners on here that I struggle to tolerate and ignoring it over the last I don't know how many years is my way of doing that.
You may notice that when asks politely I will offer.  Members are lucky that lots of other people are more generous than I am and give it to them anyway.   For me, whether you are online or stood in front of me, don't be rude. 

watery effect..... and I'm back in the forum
So, I am always happy to oblige and you can just pick a few at at a time and before you know it you'll have them all.  I appreciate my stuff so much because of the effort it took.  I don't value things that are 'just there' as much.  Call me old fashioned. 

No, go on
You can
I don't mind
« Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 07:45:41 AM by Retronic »


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #336 on: April 13, 2024, 10:03:41 AM »
I suspect for us who are older and especially if we collected in pre-internet days we have experience where we had to be patient and it took me decades to get all these.
So I guess for me I appreciate the hunt and didn't grow up being able to get anything fast.
An interesting insight from the founding father! Whilst not wanting to be dismissive of the two recent posts proposing ways to consolidate our library collections I, too, feel that it is a generational thing. I agree that you can't beat the sense of achievement when you discover an item (be it a library record or a bubble gum card - ha, remember those?) which had proven so elusive to one's collection. Though I recall a sense of emptiness and lack of purpose when I had completed the collection. It's true. It's the hunt that makes collecting so worthwhile.

I set the forum up because of loving the music and although I think it's great as well it felt a bit sad when the megathreads started where you could get everything in one swoop.  It killed a lot of discussion on here because you didn't need to ask- it became a quick request for a re-upload, which in my opinion over the years have been increasing rude and abrupt.
Like Dr Frankenstein it must be a bit of a jolt to see one's creation take on a life of it's own. Continued frustration at the lack of courtesy shown to fellow members prompted me to put digit to keyboard recently as you will have seen. In some cases I put the abruptness of some posts down to the fact that English is not the first language of a lot of our members. Also words written innocently in a post can be misinterpreted by the reader according to their mood or the type of day they've had. But there have been other occasions when expletives have been included in posts which are totally unnecessary. Thankfully the two main culprits have since disappeared from the forum.

I am always happy to oblige and you can just pick a few at at a time and before you know it you'll have them all.  I appreciate my stuff so much because of the effort it took.  I don't value things that are 'just there' as much.  Call me old fashioned.
I agree that the effort put into collecting makes one appreciate the items in the collection more. A traditionalist approach I would say but I certainly wouldn't call you old-fashioned, Retro!


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #337 on: April 13, 2024, 11:27:16 AM »
Life with ⓁⓂⓉ is so rich!


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #338 on: April 19, 2024, 02:40:35 PM »
hello is it possible to have  kpm1193 Alan Hawkshaw The Road Forward
thanks  :)


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #339 on: April 29, 2024, 01:28:48 PM »
Does anyone have KPM 2266?


Muff Diver

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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #340 on: May 02, 2024, 12:12:24 AM »
would anyone wanna pass around a 2tb ssd drive via mail? this archive needs to be in as many complete hands as possible! im happy to send someone a drive!

That's an interesting idea you've put forward, and I've also toyed with similar notions from time to time. But I never followed through on this idea due to the considerations that Retronic et al have already articulated.

There have been times over the last 15 years when I've been really ill. So ill, that I begin to think about my own mortality and what would I want to happen to my own music archives in my eventual demise? 

Like most of the LMT Community, I've got several external HDDs totaling several TBs of music, spoken word, background notes, etc. What would happen to my archives if I suddenly didn't wake up one day?  Would strangers be rifling through my most precious things, grabbing whatever they could carry away, like so many sticky-fingered, bipedal cockroaches?

That's when the idea came to me, if I had a little bit of warning from my doctor, etc that I'd contact several "serious" collector types here @ LMT and mail out my HDDs where I know the legacy of musical archiving will continue for an indefinite period with loving care. That way, thousands of hours of research, detective work and downloading (and my own personal small fortune) wouldn't be wasted or otherwise profaned by unclean hands.

The alternative is that strangers might get my HDDs, glance at the files, then grumble about all the "crap" music I have on there, then proceed to erase the drives, filling them up with "Reality" TV, or some gawdawful animal husbandry porn, etc. I shudder to imagine!  These exquisite Production Library sounds that exist therein must be preserved at all costs!

Also, as Retronic explained, this "Have It Your Way" Burger King-ization of Library threads is a bit of a downer for those people who've toiled for years (or decades??) listening to, loving and then hunting for these recordings, spending small fortunes in the pursuit of same, these threads are a bit of a downer. Please don't mistake my tone as being above all that. I've also feasted on these Mega-Threads, and I never complained then.

But lately, over time, I see this mentality more and more all around me. It's not a LMT phenomenon; this Burger King "I want it NOW and I want it My Way" mentality is world-wide, especially in western cultures. In this case, nobody is immune from the temptation to have it ALL, and Right NOW! Why wait, if you don't have to?

I often wonder if this desire for instant gratification isn't generational as well as cultural? 

For myself, I've had a long background in team oriented, fraternal activities. Whether it's the Boy Scouts, the football team, the Armed Forces, Freemasons, etc (it doesn't really matter what the org is, it's the team / meritocracy concept).  And in that fraternity / team culture, you don't matriculate overnight. Not even in 6 months. That which is being developed within the individual takes precious time. Months at a minimum, but usually years of progression.

And that progression is also how I view my own development in relation to Production Library music. It's taken me years to learn what I've learned, to truly notice and appreciate some of the smaller details in a label, a composer, a particular track, etc. I guarantee you that anybody who could have all the Library music they could ever want, in one sitting, wouldn't be a Library music fan. They might be an entrepreneur, but they're not a fan of this genre.

Lastly, and I don't mean to sound like somebody's grandparent, but when you look back at your fondest memories, you'll often find that the wait for that big thing you wanted, is oftentimes our favorite memories. Waiting is challenging, but that's how we also build appreciation for the person, object or goal in question.

Real learning, appreciation and even Library culture takes time to cultivate. Enjoy your Library journey, and I hope it lasts you for several more decades of eargasmic enjoyment.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #341 on: May 02, 2024, 07:40:10 AM »
Nice to read your statement Muff Diver

Library journey, detective work, fellowship… concepts that I hold dear and make my time with you guys so special

I often fantasize about an LMT convention, a joyful gathering someplace in Europe of the faces that make this haven a reality

Life with ⓁⓂⓉ is so rich!


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #342 on: May 02, 2024, 07:56:16 AM »
It's so good to have you back Muff.  I always like it when you are around  :) :)


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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #343 on: May 02, 2024, 11:09:03 AM »
An interesting and amusing post Muff Diver. Thank you. It seems I'm not the only one to be wondering what will happen to my extensive music collection when I pop my clogs. But as we are both agreed it is the collecting or the hunt which makes it all worthwhile and enjoyable. To have an entire collection of every library's music at one's disposal from a single source would take all the fun out of it. Look at the joy fellow members exude when a piece of library music being played behind a TV ad or radio jingle is identified. Imagine if there were a PDF somewhere listing every single piece of music used in every single jingle or ad. A bit like having a computer automatically trace one's family tree to save you the hassle of doing it yourself. There'd be no fun in it any more.

Muff Diver

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Re: KPM Music (Lossless)
« Reply #344 on: May 03, 2024, 04:01:01 AM »
Nice to read your statement Muff Diver

Library journey, detective work, fellowship… concepts that I hold dear and make my time with you guys so special

I often fantasize about an LMT convention, a joyful gathering someplace in Europe of the faces that make this haven a reality

Yes, you understand exactly what I'm talking about in this lifetime Library Journey.

It's so good to have you back Muff.  I always like it when you are around  :) :)

Thank you for the kind words, Retronic. It feels really fantastic for me to be back @ LMT, aka Library Central  ;D

An interesting and amusing post Muff Diver. Thank you. It seems I'm not the only one to be wondering what will happen to my extensive music collection when I pop my clogs. But as we are both agreed it is the collecting or the hunt which makes it all worthwhile and enjoyable. To have an entire collection of every library's music at one's disposal from a single source would take all the fun out of it. Look at the joy fellow members exude when a piece of library music being played behind a TV ad or radio jingle is identified. Imagine if there were a PDF somewhere listing every single piece of music used in every single jingle or ad. A bit like having a computer automatically trace one's family tree to save you the hassle of doing it yourself. There'd be no fun in it any more.

Yes, I don't have the answer as far as what I'll do when that time comes, but I think mailing out my HDDs, miniscule vinyl holdings, et al is that's the direction I'd go in. Why leave anything for those bubble-gum, pop-music listening Philistines?

Waiting is part of the overall joyous experience in all our lives. A series of first times in each person's life. Waiting and toiling in obscurity for so long is a huge part of what makes that inevitable breakthrough so powerfully gratifying.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit