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You're welcome! Anyway, if you asking me "Whose composer made this music?", it's all composed by Andy Mark & Carl Menk.

Anyway, this library was also used in my homeland Indonesia. I hope this helps you out! Greetings from Indonesia to you!

Anyway, let me identify them for you, or identify them yourself if you can. For me, i'll be updating them when i found them.
I may be busy though, but i'll try to get the job done.

Track List:
Intro - "Running Man" (CPCD 102)
0:30 - "Power Groove" (CPCD 101)
1:25 - "High Techy" (CPCD 101)
2:30 - "Shoeshine" (CPCD 101)
3:06 - "The 49ers" (CPCD 101)
3:50 - "Jabber" (CPCD 101)
4:47 - "Roboclap" (CPCD 101)
6:13 - "Juggernaut" (CPCD 101)
7:20 - "Super Dealer" (CPCD 101)
9:17 - "Road Hugger" (CPCD 104-1)
sj_beat, can you reload please ?
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sj_beat, can you reload please ?
Thank you very much !
sj_beat, can you reload please ?
Thank you very much !
Vintage Library Vinyl and CD rips / Re: [Chappell] 11 different LPs
« Last post by sj_beat on Today at 09:00:13 PM »
Hello ) Please reuploud [Chappell] LPC 1086 - Zouche Orchestra - A Hunk Of Funk  :)
I can tell that some are from Canary Music Collection.

Thank you, your post has put me on the right path. I was able to locate one of the tracks which is titled "New Wave Power" which is from The Canary Collection Production Music Library - Technopop/Industrial (CPCD 105) album. It starts at 15:16 in the YouTube video I originally linked.

Still trying to track down the other tracks and will post them here if I find them too.
Here you go gophrette, many thanks to kebarvid!

A big thanks from me, too.
Here you go gophrette, many thanks to kebarvid!
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