Author Topic: The Marvel Superheroes tracks (new and improved)  (Read 1275 times)

Walk the Skies 202

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The Marvel Superheroes tracks (new and improved)
« on: July 06, 2024, 01:59:39 AM »
It's been talked and posted about, but at last here it is: A full musical breakdown of every episode of The Marvel Superheroes.

With 65 episodes in total and with tons of tracks per episode, rather than list them all out in this thread you can find them all grouped per hero on this blog that I and Wildline Music Identification (known here as TheMusicalAvenger) have been working on.


This thread's main purpose is to serve as a master list of labels and tracks utilized in the series.

Track names followed by another name in brackets are retitles on later issues that correspond to current search engines. (APM, JW, Warner/Chappell)

Conroy BM

BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 1 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (a)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 2 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (b)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 3 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (c)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 4 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (d)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 5 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (e)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 6 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (f)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 7 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (g)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 8 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (h)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 9 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (i)]
BM 102 - Paroxysms No. 10 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (j)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 11 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (k)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 12 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (l)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 13 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (m)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 14 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (n)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 15 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (o)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 19 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (s)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 20 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (t)]
BM 103 - Paroxysms No. 21 - Trevor Duncan [Paroxysms (u)]
BM 103 - Dramatic Bridges No. 6 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 103 - Dramatic Bridges No. 7 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 104 - Dramatic Bridges No. 11 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 104 - Dramatic Bridges No. 17 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 104 - Dramatic Bridges No. 18 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 104 - Dramatic Bridges No. 19 - Paul Fenoulhet
BM 137 - The Con Man - Trevor Duncan [Four Evil Men (a)]
BM 137 - The King Pin - Trevor Duncan [Four Evil Men (b)]
BM 138 - The Sadist - Trevor Duncan [Four Evil Men (c)]
BM 138 - The Killer - Trevor Duncan [Four Evil Men (d)]
BM 139 - Achievement (Opening) - Roy Ernst
BM 139 - Achievement (Bridge No. 1) - Roy Ernst
BM 139 - Achievement (Bridge No. 2) - Roy Ernst
BM 139 - Achievement (Closing) - Roy Ernst
BM 139 - Achievement (Bridge No. 3) - Roy Ernst
BM 139 - Achievement (Bridge No. 4) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Background No. 1) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 1) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 2) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 3) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Background No. 2) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 4) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 6) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 7) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 8) - Roy Ernst
BM 140 - Conflict (Link No. 9) - Roy Ernst
BM 143 - Project No. 1 - Don Banks
BM 143 - Project No. 2 - Don Banks
BM 156 - Back of the Moon (Background) - Raymond Jones
BM 156 - Back of the Moon (Eerie Into Drama) - Raymond Jones
BM 158 - Mutations No. 1 (Opening) - Trevor Duncan [Mutations (a) [#50]]
BM 158 - Mutations No. 1 (Closing) - Trevor Duncan [Mutations (b) [#51]]
BM 158 - Mutations No. 1 (Background) - Trevor Duncan [Mutations (c) [#52]]
BM 158 - Mutations No. 2 - Trevor Duncan [Mutations (a) [#53]; Mutations (b) [#54]; Mutations (c) [#55]; Mutations (d)]
BM 166 - Community Service - Robert Sharples
BM 186 - On the Run - Raymond Jones
BM 187 - The Long Minute - Raymond Jones
BM 222 - Violence One No. 1 - Van Phillips
BM 222 - Violence One No. 2 - Van Phillips
BM 222 - Violence One No. 3 - Van Phillips
BM 222 - Violence One No. 4 - Van Phillips
BM 222 - Violence Two No. 1 - Van Phillips
BM 222 - Violence Two No. 2 - Van Phillips
BM 223 - Violence Three No. 3 - Van Phillips
BM 223 - Violence Four No. 2 - Van Phillips
BM 223 - Violence Four No. 5 - Van Phillips
BM 223 - Violence Four No. 6 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Five No. 1 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Five No. 2 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Five No. 3 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Five No. 4 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Six No. 1 - Van Phillips
BM 224 - Violence Six No. 2 - Van Phillips
BM 225 - Moments of Fear No. 5 - Van Phillips
BM 238 - Approach and Attack - Mark Wheeler
BM 238 - Dramatic Tracks One (1) - Peter Yorke
BM 238 - Dramatic Tracks One (2) - Peter Yorke
BM 238 - Dramatic Tracks One (3) - Peter Yorke
BM 238 - Dramatic Tracks One (4) - Peter Yorke
BM 238 - Dramatic Tracks One (5) - Peter Yorke
BM 239 - Dramatic Tracks Two (4) - Peter Yorke
BM 239 - Dramatic Tracks Two (5) - Peter Yorke
BM 239 - Dramatic Tracks Two (8) - Peter Yorke
BM 239 - Dramatic Tracks Three (1) - Peter Yorke
BM 239 - Dramatic Tracks Three (2) - Peter Yorke
BM 311 - Weary Search - Reg Owen
BM 415 - Compulsion - Paul Gerard
BM 415 - The Accuser - Paul Gerard
BM 415 - Night Shot - Paul Gerard
BM 415 - Mesmerism - Paul Gerard
BM 415 - Alcazar - Paul Gerard
BM 416 - Photosphere - Paul Gerard
BM 416 - Cosmos - Paul Gerard
BM 416 - Dissolve To Black - Paul Gerard
BM 416 - Cross Fade - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Calculated Risk - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - The Creeper - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Book Turn - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Spin - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Two Images - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Long Pan - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Truck In - Paul Gerard
BM 417 - Caption Over - Paul Gerard
BM 418 - Americarama (Pastoral) - Alfred Ralston
BM 418 - Americarama (Dramatic) - Alfred Ralston

JW Theme Music

JW 153 - Fire Call - Ronald Hanmer
JW 153 - To the Rescue - Jack Beaver
JW 252 - Fire Summons - Ronald Hanmer
JW 252 - Important Events - Ronald Hanmer
JW 253 - Beginning - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Ending - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Relentless - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Neutral - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Bridge 2 - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Bridge 3 - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Bridge 4 - Wilfred Burns
JW 253 - Chase - Wilfred Burns
JW 331 - Domestic Comedy - Peter Yorke
JW 332 - Dramatic Sequence 1 - Bruce Campbell
JW 332 - Dramatic Sequence 2 - Bruce Campbell
JW 332 - Dramatic Sequence 3 - Bruce Campbell
JW 332 - Dramatic Sequence 4 - Bruce Campbell
JW 332 - Dramatic Sequence 5 - Bruce Campbell


IA 111 - This Love Story - Bruce Campbell
IA 111 - This Love Story (2nd Ending) - Bruce Campbell [This Love Story - 2nd Ending]
IA 111 - Sweet Dreams - Bruce Campbell
IA 111 - Clifftop - Bruce Campbell
IA 111 - Apple Blossom - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Desolate Village - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Ten To Zero - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - The Small Hours - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Mountain Side - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Fever Chart - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Clouding Over - Bruce Campbell
IA 113 - The House On the Moor - Bruce Campbell
IA 113 - The Silent Watcher - Bruce Campbell
IA 144 - Eerie Vaults - Steve Race
IA 144 - Dry Throat - Steve Race
IA 144 - Scream - Steve Race
IA 144 - Neutral - Bruce Campbell
IA 145 - Saga - Steve Race
IA 145 - Noble Heart - Steve Race
IA 145 - Running Jump - Steve Race
IA 145 - The Pang - Steve Race
IA 146 - Operations Room - Part 2 - James Stevens [Operations Room - Alternate]
IA 146 - Operations Room - Part 3 - James Stevens [Operations Room - Alternate 2]
IA 146 - River Patrol - Part 1 - James Stevens [River Patrol]
IA 146 - River Patrol - Part 2 - James Stevens [River Patrol - Alternate]
IA 146 - River Patrol - Part 3 - James Stevens [River Patrol - Alternate 2]
IA 146 - River Patrol - Part 4 - James Stevens [River Patrol - Alternate 3]
IA 158 - Uneasy Dream - Wolf Droysen
IA 158 - Paranormal - Wolf Droysen
IA 184 - Milky Way - Van Phillips
IA 184 - Space Call - Van Phillips
IA 184 - Mysterious Universe - Van Phillips
IA 184 - Andromeda - Van Phillips
IA 184 - The Great Nebula - Van Phillips
IA 185 - Constellation - Van Phillips
IA 185 - Lost In Space - Van Phillips
IA 185 - Satellite - Van Phillips
IA 185 - The Great Void - Van Phillips
IA 185 - Transit To Venus - Van Phillips
IA 185 - Pluto - Van Phillips
IA 189 - Riot - Trevor Duncan
IA 191 - Shock Treatment (Opening) - Trevor Duncan [Shock Treatment]
IA 191 - Shock Treatment (Background No. 1) - Trevor Duncan [Shock Treatment - Part 2]
IA 191 - Shock Treatment (Background No. 2) - Trevor Duncan [Shock Treatment - Part 3]
IA 191 - Shock Treatment (Close) - Trevor Duncan [Shock Treatment - Part 4]
IA 218 - Hall of Fame - Van Phillips
IA 218 - His Excellency - Van Phillips
IA 219 - Back To the Wall - Van Phillips
IA 219 - The Forbidden Room - Van Phillips
IA 219 - Face at the Window - Van Phillips
IA 219 - The Hidden Watcher - Van Phillips
IA 271 - The Great Man Remembers - Van Phillips


CBL 55 - Prelude To a Love Affair - Bernie Fenton
CBL 414 - Sinister Errand - Ludo Philipp
CBL 414 - King of the Underworld - Ronald Hanmer
CBL 415 - Cosmic Cloud - Trevor Duncan
CBL 415 - Frozen Stars - Trevor Duncan [The Thing]
CBL 415 - Distant Nebulæ - Trevor Duncan [Journey Into Space]
CBL 415 - Solar Batteries - Trevor Duncan [From Another World]
CBL 415 - Air Converter - Trevor Duncan [From the Depths of Space]
CBL 415 - Gravity Unit - Trevor Duncan [They're Coming!]
CBL 423 - Against the Law 1 - Wilfred Burns [Against the Law (a)]
CBL 423 - Against the Law 2 - Wilfred Burns [Against the Law (b)]
CBL 423 - Law Breakers 1 - Wilfred Burns [Against the Law (c)]
CBL 423 - Law Breakers 2 - Wilfred Burns [Against the Law (d)]
CBL 423 - Law Breakers 3 - Wilfred Burns [Against the Law (e)]
CBL 423 - With Noble Purpose (Grand March) - Trevor Duncan
CBL 488 - Brull Bridges (5) - David Aprichard, Wally Kent
CBL 492 - In Tense Mood - Wilfred Burns
CBL 492 - Anger - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Resentment - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Despair - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Sadness (1) - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Fear (1) - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Pensive - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Sadness (2) - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Worry (2) - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Neutral - Raymond Jones
CBL 492 - Sadness (3) - Raymond Jones
CBL 494 - Terror - Allan Lewis, Wilfred Burns
CBL 494 - Warmer - Allan Lewis, Wilfred Burns
CBL 494 - Anger - Allan Lewis, Wilfred Burns
CBL 518 - Churchyard - George Elliot
CBL 518 - Clockwork - George Elliot
CBL 518 - Storm - George Elliot
CBL 518 - Dramatic Pathos - George Elliot
CBL 532 - Microscope - Don Banks
CBL 532 - Moving Suspense - Gary Hughes
CBL 547 - Secret - Raymond Jones
CBL 547 - Secret (Active) - Raymond Jones
CBL 547 - Fight Against Disease - Raymond Jones
CBL 547 - Reclamation - Raymond Jones
CBL 547 - Famine Relief - Raymond Jones
CBL 547 - Fight Against Superstition - Raymond Jones

FDH Mood Music

FDH 240 - Villainy - Wilfred Burns
FDH 242 - Heavies - Jack Beaver
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 1 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 2 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 3 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 4 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 5 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - Suspense Bridges No. 6 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - March Dramatic No. 1 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 321 - March Dramatic No. 2 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 322 - Progress No. 4 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 324 - Beat Dramatic No. 5 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 348 - Beat Idiomatic No. 3 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 350 - Suspense Build-Up No. 1 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 350 - Suspense Build-Up No. 2 - Ivor Slaney
FDH 350 - Suspense Build-Up No. 3 - Ivor Slaney

Video Moods

EA 1007 - Face at the Window - Franz Mahl
EA 1007 - High Tension - Franz Mahl
EA 1007 - Promise Me - Franz Mahl
EA 1007 - Redemption - Franz Mahl
EA 1008 - Lost Hope - Franz Mahl
EA 1011 - Men of Iron March - Franz Mahl
EA 1056 - Celebration - Frank Morton
EA 1056 - Under Duress (Cut I) - Frank Morton
EA 1056 - Under Duress (Cut II) - Frank Morton
EA 1056 - Under Duress (Cut III) - Frank Morton
EA 1057 - Heats On (Cut I) - Frank Morton
EA 1057 - Heats On (Cut II) - Frank Morton
EA 1057 - Heats On (Cut III) - Frank Morton
EA 1087 - Hostility - Richard Hoffman
EA 1087 - Hostility (Bridge 3) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1088 - Charred Ruin - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico (Link 1) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico (Link 2) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico (Time Lapse) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico (Link 3) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Moto Tragico (Close) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Murder at Midnight - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Murder at Midnight (Bridge 1) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Murder at Midnight (Bridge 2) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1089 - Murder at Midnight (Curtain) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Sequence 1) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Sequence 2) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Sequence 3) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Bridge 1) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Bridge 2) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame (Curtain) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1090 - Fogbank - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Depths of the Sea - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Big Worry - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Bloodhound (Bridge) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Bloodhound (Curtain 1) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Bloodhound (Shock Cut Off) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Bloodhound (Background) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1091 - Bloodhound (Curtain 2) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1092 - Weird Presence (Opening) - Richard Hoffman
EA 1092 - Weird Presence (Closing) - Richard Hoffman

Harrose Music [album ID's and titles pertain to Carlin/CPM reissues, original releases and titles are unknown]

CAR 401 - Out of the Crypt [#2] - Harry Lubin
CAR 401 - Hostile Space - Harry Lubin
CAS 034 - Evil Horror - Harry Lubin
CAS 034 - Storm Brewing - Harry Lubin
CAS 034 - Romance and Tragedy - Harry Lubin
CAS 034 - Destitute - Harry Lubin
CAS 036 - Hopeless Situation - Harry Lubin
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 10:59:36 AM by Walk the Skies 202 »


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Re: The Marvel Superheroes tracks (new and improved)
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2024, 06:55:16 AM »
For those wondering, I am the "Wildline Music Identification" mentioned in the post.


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Re: The Marvel Superheroes tracks (new and improved)
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2024, 11:55:15 PM »
Walk the Skies, TheMusicalAvenger and everyone else responsible for this long-needed research: thank you!

robert morgan

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Re: The Marvel Superheroes tracks (new and improved)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2024, 03:55:54 PM »
Great post and information, thank you! I have a question: except for the Hulk series, I can't find the original 3-part versions of the shows anywhere, with recaps and chapter titles, only the butchered editions where the chapters are spliced together into a continuous 15-minute cartoon. Can you help?
People complain about the non-animation of this series, but I find it superior to the Saturday morning FF and Spider-Man shows (which aren't all THAT great animation-wise, and have crude artwork and dumbed-down stories). This is the only series that really captures the feel of the early Marvel comics, and the 3-chapter format is a great part of it. And of course the music is terrific!