Author Topic: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)  (Read 3667 times)


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Hello there!

Oh boy, a selection, eh? Well, let me explain.

First of all, "Case Closed" or "Detective Conan" is a manga that later turned into an anime and happens to be part of my childhood/youthood. It is about a kid detective that is - and now it's becoming actually somewhat ridiculous! - actually an adult but shrinked down after mysterious men made him swallow a capsule. In this new form, he finds shelter at a not very succesfull detective's office, makes up his name (Conan Edogawa) and lives from now on with these people, solving all sorts of crimes.

The series started 1996 and is still going, but I stopped after a certain year because it kind of became... weird. The first movies and seasons though feature pretty hefty themes: Skycrapers that are being time-bombed and trains being held hostage, people being trapped and assassinated in the order of playing cards, disgruntled musicians blowing up an opera house et cetera.

Anyways, what made the show was also the music. That is why I am here. It features a very interesting soundtrack of jazz, fusion and "tension" tracks with lots of slap bass, brass, saxophone and some deep synthesizers and a production quality that just keeps me interested (and I like my ears to be entertained by great stereo panning and wide arrays of instruments). So I dove into the 26 CDs and picked my favourite 21 tracks. Most of the stuff on these disks was te score, meaning 20-second cues that can't really be enjoyed on their own. Later releases (about 2010ish) were more orchestra and "cool" and didn't really hit me.

If you like what you hear, feel free to dive into the whole matter, but I guess I caught the tracks that are really worth a listen.

Give it a try, it's free :)
(Be aware of different audio levels, I didn't normalize them!)


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2024, 01:56:33 PM »
Thanks , Psyclon  :)


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2024, 03:35:08 PM »
Again, what's the relation to library here?


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2024, 06:04:59 PM »
Again, what's the relation to library here?
Last year I asked what music qualified for the Non-Library section as I was afraid it could become a dumping ground for anything and everything. The thread became a sticky under the Non-Library section ( In short @stackjackson advised us that Easy Listening, Soundtracks, Exotica, Psychedelic & World Music all qualified as Non-Library. @Psyclon's post would appear to fit the bill being a soundtrack.


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2024, 07:13:09 PM »
Do I need to paste here what Stack said that day?
"In my mind at least, "wonderful & strange music" was originally meant to refer generally to what used to be called "mood" music (c. 1950-1980) and includes (but not limited to) easy listening, "lounge" music, b-movie film scores, etc. etc" ... and so on.

In his mind he was referring to mood music, circa 1950-1980. You get it? And this is just to give you an answer about the answer you like to refer to.

I guess Retro's answer on the same thread instead, is not to your liking?
"I originally created that for library musicians commercial releases so they are very closely related to library.  It was never intended as a OST or funk forum."

At the end, the umpteenth debate to reiterate a simple concept as stated in the very first sticky post dated 28 february 2018 at the launching of LMT v.7 (the one you hadn't seen):
please try to keep this section at least somewhat library-related
You know, anything involving library musicians, even their commercial release which could be OST or any other genre.
This is how it was intended in its creation, and this is still the case today, despite the fact that over the years some posts have not been contested.

An indication not too difficult to understand.

Now, an OST (by Peter Gabriel or Katsuo Ohno) is not suitable just because it's an OST. And it's because no library musicians are involved, no library tracks are involved, no people who "once wrote a library track or collaborated with some library musician" are involved, no library labels are involved.

Unless, obviously, in my ignorance I ignore that Peter Gabriel or Katsuo Ohno had at least once something to do with the library world.


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2024, 07:33:17 PM »
Do I need to paste here what Stack said that day?
"In my mind at least, "wonderful & strange music" was originally meant to refer generally to what used to be called "mood" music (c. 1950-1980) and includes (but not limited to) easy listening, "lounge" music, b-movie film scores, etc. etc" ... and so on.

In his mind he was referring to mood music, circa 1950-1980. You get it? And this is just to give you an answer about the answer you like to refer to.

I guess Retro's answer on the same thread instead, is not to your liking?
"I originally created that for library musicians commercial releases so they are very closely related to library.  It was never intended as a OST or funk forum."

At the end, the umpteenth debate to reiterate a simple concept as stated in the very first sticky post dated 28 february 2018 at the launching of LMT v.7 (the one you hadn't seen):
please try to keep this section at least somewhat library-related
You know, anything involving library musicians, even their commercial release which could be OST or any other genre.
This is how it was intended in its creation, and this is still the case today, despite the fact that over the years some posts have not been contested.

An indication not too difficult to understand.

Now, an OST (by Peter Gabriel or Katsuo Ohno) is not suitable just because it's an OST. And it's because no library musicians are involved, no library tracks are involved, no people who "once wrote a library track or collaborated with some library musician" are involved, no library labels are involved.

Unless, obviously, in my ignorance I ignore that Peter Gabriel or Katsuo Ohno had at least once something to do with the library world.
I think you have misunderstood where I am coming from, Greta. I totally agree that we need to ensure that the forum doesn't veer off course with its shares hence my desire to prevent that part of the forum from becoming a dumping ground. However, @stackjackson's post here in response to @Nobody's proposal that it should include Jazz Funk, Easy Listening, Soundtracks, Exotica, Psychedelic, World Music was that Non-Library should include "Most of this, minus the jazz/funk. There are other forums for that" appeared to me to give the green light to all those genres save for Jazz Funk. At the time I did not dispute @stackjackson's conclusion though I was disappointed by it. It is frustrating that my attempt to seek clarification over what constitutes Non-Library last year seems to have failed.


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2024, 08:02:49 PM »
Your attempt to seek clarification, nido, have not failed in my opinion, and my previous post says it all.

Over the years the concept of what constitutes non-library has a bit watered down, and there is probably also an element of guilt on the part of the administrators.
We kind of let the things go on smoothly, trying to make every member feel at ease here at LMT.
But a matter of fact is that "we need to ensure that the forum doesn't veer off course with its shares to prevent that part of the forum from becoming a dumping ground" as you correctly said.


"The non-library section was originally created for library musicians commercial releases so they are very closely related to library.  It was never intended as a OST or funk forum."
Suitable is everything involving library musicians, library tracks and music, library labels, even library concepts that could have inspired someone, and so on.

Just these basic rules, as the original intent was.



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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2024, 01:26:38 AM »
I understand what makes this place so niche and specialized and appreciate the admin's encouraging us to keep it that way.

I also want to acknowledge Psyclon's work here because this is a cool project, and my ears love discovering new stuff. I've posted several musics that luckily passed the test, although I didn't meticulously check whether they were "on brand" or not beforehand.

 :D Have a nice day folks ;D
Life with ⓁⓂⓉ is so rich!


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2024, 03:48:04 PM »
Awesome that you enjoy it. His other works outside of the Detective Conan world sound very similar. The guy is born in 1939 and he was there and played in a band in the 60s and 70s - who knows which library composer he influenced with his works? I don't know his life story, but as studio musician, it is very much possible he wrote music for libraries we just don't know of. Which would make this soundtrack exactly fitting Stackjacksons ruleset: A commercial work of a (potential) library musician. As you can see, the ruleset is not that easy. Not everything's on Discogs. Just like many producers without current jobs for the big screen wrote library music, like Mats Björklund who produced with Bonney M. but in the meantime, he also wrote for HAPPY MUSIC.

In the end, a soundtrack is commissioned library music. Libary music that is used in TV, radio or film is becoming a soundtrack. It is just closing the circle from the other side. I just checked random albums that are shared here in the main LP section and so much goes as not only "Stage & Screen", but even a "Theme" - definition on Discogs: "The main theme or signature song from a motion picture, television program, video game or musical " (e.g. the latest Gianni Mazza request) which waters down the term" library music" somewhat.

I will stop posting here in this section, I do understand the point to be fair and that this thread was not wiped is a sign of goodwill, but the "dumping ground" so far is more of a nice place to find interesting music that might go into the direction of the average LMTer's musical taste. I just pointed at a new composer to discover, as Fuzi and others correctly understood. I will obey the rules from now and and keep these gems for myself . . .

EDIT: Typos and a whole word I missed.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 03:51:13 PM by Psyclon »


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Re: [Anime OST] Detective Conan / Case Closed (Psyclon's Selection)
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2024, 11:39:13 PM »
Thanks Psyclon!
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