i did one studio mix for this halloween using flacs and my rane one controller

it's mainly soundtracks with a few library tracks but nearly all the artists are library related so i'm hoping it's good for in here
bert brac - draculas gruft
carlo maria cordio - absurd seq 3
bert brac - insel des schreckens
giuliano sorgini - iniziazione
goblin - connexion
peymont - tensione gamma
daniel patucchi - frankenstein 80 (titoli)
luciano michelini - caccia quarta
franco micalizzi - seq 13
fabio frizzi - verso l'alba
guido and maurizio de angelis - l'ultimo squalo seq 2+8
Fernando Garcia Morcillo - Liz Recuerda A Carol
Nora Orlandi/Alessandro Alessandroni - demon arise
Giuliano Sorgini - Messa Nera
excerpt from "things"
ennio morricone - trafelato
guido and maurizio de angelis - killer fish
gene page - the stalkwalk
nico fidenco - the dark side of the soul
Giuliano Sorgini - from the beyond
ennio morricone - Uccidete il vitello grasso (Titoli)
Jean-Bernard Raiteux - Kathleen Writhing
Amedeo Tommasi - thomas
franco micalizzi - sadness theme
franco micalizzi - m23 versione lunga
bert brac - horror theme
George Newman Shaw , John Willhelm - Kidnapped Coed Title Theme
masao yagi - legend of distant blood
Nora Orlandi/Alessandro Alessandroni - dark dreamer
https://soundcloud.com/vapor-teh-apparition/zombiecop-psychopimp-musique-halloween-mix WARNING NSFW OR IF YOU HAVE KIDS RUNNING ROUND YOUR SCREEN
or you can watch with some messed up weird horrorfilm footage here (been a member of cg since 2010 so i've seen a lot of mad films)