Author Topic: Ayna Records  (Read 21105 times)


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Ayna Records
« on: February 03, 2018, 04:56:44 AM »

Italian label under Aldo Bruzzichelli Editore, now under Berben Edizioni. Closely affiliated with Egisto Macchi.
This label's a bit of a headache to piece together. I originally thought evrything was different lettering variations of the same numerical run, but this appears to be incorrect, as there's some numerical overlap between the runs. There have been pretty few of these in circulation, and the two seemingly stray catalogue number runs on this label may very well be connected to a greater catalogue.

(Library Records/Folk Music (AB-9). White sleeve with catalogue number on front cover, except AB-9 which has a front cover picture and AB-7 which has a dark picture sleeve as below.)
AB 5 - Comedie francaise - Egisto Macchi
AB-6 - ????
AB-7 - Aspetti di vita all'aperto - Rino de Filippi
AB-8 - Il mare - Giuliano Giunti
AB-9 - Canti popolari toscani - Riccardo Marasco
AB 10 - Free Shop Music - Mustang (Elvio Monti)
AB 11 - Nucleo centrale investigativo - Egisto Macchi
AB 12 - Eterogenea - Stefano Torossi
AB 13 - Viaggio pop n. 1 - Narassa (Alessandro "Sandro" Brugnolini)
AB 14 - Viaggio pop n. 2 - Giuliano Giunti
AB 15 - Natura - Giuliano Giunti
AB 16 - Adagi e allegri - Egisto Macchi
A? 17 - ????
A? 18 - ????
AY 19 - Il deserto - Egisto Macchi
AY 20 - Prigionia - Egisto Macchi

(Library music. White sleeve with no catalogue number on front.)
EML 19S - Quando, per solitudine... - Egisto Macchi
EML 20S - Violenza - Egisto Macchi
EML 21S - L'angolo dei bambini - Egisto Macchi
EML 22/23S - Pittura contemporanea - Egisto Macchi
EML 24S - Pittura contemporanea - Egisto Macchi
EML 25S - Messico - Egisto Macchi
NLY 35 - Inchiesta sul mondo: Stati d'animo/Diagnosi ecologia - Riccardo A. Luciani

(Contemporary classical music. Generic sleeve design, see photo. Except ABL 12, issued in white sleeve with composer's signature on front)
ABL 12 - Untitled - Fernando Sulpizi
AYL 21 - Arrigo Benvenuti - Societa' Cameristica Italiana/Others?, music by Arrigo Benvenuti
AY 23 PE - Untitled - Fernando Sulpizi
ABL 30 - Computer Music: Bach/Grossi - Pietro Grossi, music by J.S. Bach

CO-RLL10C - Alternanza - Ruggero Lolini

QPL 11C - LAudario di Cortona - Quintetto Polifonico Italiano, music by ?